An ISU congress is not complete without sharing our stereo images. So please send us your shows for projection in our stereo theatre.
Shows may be submitted by all ISU members and members of associated stereo clubs. Even if you are not able to come to the congress yourself, you can still participate by sharing your stereo images.
We accept AV-shows in side-by-side and over/under format both full width and half width (squeezed), with a popular video codec (*.mp4, *.avi, *.mov). Alternative video codecs may be used but acceptance will be subject to tests on our projection system. We cannot accept executable files (*.exe) because of lack of control over the format in which it will be projected.
Shows should have a length of 15 minutes maximum.
If the total of submitted shows exceeds the available projection time, priority will be given to shows submitted by congress participants on a first-come, first-served basis and a maximum length of 15 minutes will apply to all shows by one person combined. Persons submitting multiple shows are advised to give a ranking of their shows in case a selection has to be made.
Shows may be rejected on technical grounds or when the content is regarded as not appropriate for presentation at the congress. The author of the show will be informed when a show is rejected.
Please fill in and submit the Show Submission form for each show separately. You will then receive a confirmation of your submission and instructions where you can upload your show.
By submitting a show, you assert that you own the copyright of the submitted content or have the consent of the copyright owner(s). or the content is copyright free. This includes the audio of the show.
To allow sufficient time to check your show and compile the projection programme, please submit your show at your earliest convenience and no later than 15 June.